Incoming Presidents Remarks Michael Collins
I briefly mentioned in my Annual Report that our city is looking forward to a promising future, and I thought I’d take a few moments now to elaborate.
When I accepted the position as President of the Chamber of Commerce last year, I pledged to continue the strengthening process of the Chamber; that began under previous leadership with specific intent to increase its usefulness both as a local business organization and as a vehicle of community service. Thanks to a talented and ambitious Board of Directors and hardworking volunteers, good progress has been made.
Now is the time to consider what comes next. The paramount responsibility of the Chamber is to invent and reinvent ways to improve the business atmosphere of Twentynine Palms, and we will do so. This, of course, means the continued reinforcement and expansion of previously existing initiatives. Beyond that, however, it is my hope to establish this year a President’s Roundtable.
The primary role of this committee, which has so far existed only in the proposal stage, would be to act as a liaison between all Twentynine Palms businesses and city government and be composed largely of community and business leaders -- In other words, officials in the city government, business owners, and others with expertise in business-to-government relations--the President’s Roundtable, would draw upon the collective knowledge and experience of its membership to provide eight general areas of service.
Aside from acting as a central source of information regarding current business and economic conditions, the Roundtable would:
1. Facilitate communications between the business community and local city government
2. Provide a local ombudsman service to investigate complaints and mediate settlements
3. Guide new businesses through the regulatory and permitting process
4. Review proposed legislation and analyze its impact on economic growth
5. Conduct research on business and economic development issues
6. Provide information for businesses seeking to locate or expand in Twentynine Palms
7. And to work in general to identify and remove obstacles in the business environment.
The organization of the President’s Roundtable from a written proposal into an Active, Vocal committee - is - an - ambitious goal; that I am confident we can meet.
And this is just a glimpse of the bright future that lies ahead.
My optimism comes not from an obligation as your president to put the future in the best possible light, but from the certainty that success is assured when creative and intelligent professionals work together. I am fortunate and grateful to have the opportunity to preside over people of such character for a second year. I look forward to, and want to thank you - in advance - for the work that we will accomplish together.