It seems that most people I know in the business and political world were particularly ready for a Christmas break this year. I know I was.
And it's perfectly understandable. The terrorist attacks of September 11, and the
war we now wage against terrorism have taken a toll on all of us, though obviously to vastly different degrees. Some have lost loved ones or know friends who have; some are in the Arabian Sea or on the ground in Afghanistan defending our country; while others feel the general ache of America being attacked. Add to these matters recession and looming economic uncertainty, and many people simply need a respite. Understandably for some, all of this may have brought about bouts of holiday depression, and perhaps little interest in celebrating at all. In contrast, the developments of the last few months can provide reason to see how precious life and family are, to pause to look at children, spouses, friends, colleagues, and our nation, and thank God for many blessings. It has been a bumpy year. Everything from bizarre elections, nationally and locally, to a slowing economy and shocking world events. So many things have broken. Lives. Careers. Trust.
I'm lucky because I didn't break this year--I just cracked. At first, I thought I'd patch up the crack and go on, using a concrete mix of denial and hope. Then I noticed I could look through the crack and see something new inside. Something that could emerge, like a chick from an egg. I realized this by accident, the way so many discoveries are made. I did it by looking in the mirror.
Now, I don't look in the mirror often, which, according to my wife, explains why the little hair I have left sometimes looks as it does. It's not because I'm not vain--In my early thirties I tried lots of different things to keep from losing my hair and turning gray. Nothing worked--except to stop looking at myself. Then I could imagine I looked the way I felt.
I am ready for a New Year to emerge. I am excited to be able to watch old events unravel into new ones; terrorism be defeated; the stock market boiling on the upswing as our economy breaks from its recession; to watch my friends and family grow, prosper and have good health. I am excited about this emerging New Year.
In the spirit of unity, let’s start the New Year out right. Recently I read somewhere of a proposed "National Sales Tax Holiday" - ten days of nationwide tax-free shopping. Maybe, this will be the year.
Happy New Year
Michael Collins